blondie: "I had a flock of geese trap me on the porch. My carmates chased them off and we left."
Killer geese, heh?
i am looking for any examples, preferably with independent news sources of any witnesses that have ever been:.
blondie: "I had a flock of geese trap me on the porch. My carmates chased them off and we left."
Killer geese, heh?
i am looking for any examples, preferably with independent news sources of any witnesses that have ever been:.
most of us old timers left behind a stable, respected, religious heritage in our disillusioned haste to join a stupid cult.. as i recall, there was no rite of dissociation required - no reason offered to your church, no resignation required - it was a non-event from the dubs viewpoint.
what was your experience?
were you expected to do or say anything as you abandoned your spiritual heritage to become a drone in the watchtower hive?.
I don't remember being asked to do such a thing but I was told something just as weird.
When I was a teenager, just coming in to the Witnesses, my mother threatened to enroll me at a Catholic school. The person who studied with me said that if I was enrolled in a Catholic school, even if it was against my will, I would no longer be considered a Witness. And I had to obey my mother in any case.
hey guys,.
so, it seems the hall i used to attend before my latest one got to hearing that i "disappeared".
so today, i went to the post office to pick up a package.... i decided to try to face reality and open it... what i found were multiple letters and wrapped gifts.
guy jumps out his car like the wild wild west and fire at deputies.. deputies return fire and suspect shot.
stand off at this time..
Any word as to why the shooter opened fire at the deputies?
Could you give us a link?
1) his blunt reply to a young man spoiled his interest in spirituality.
(mathew 19:16-22) this does not match the majesty of jesus.
what he said in mathew 16:21: if you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven contradicts what he said earlier in mathew 5:44-48 where he says if you want to be perfect, be like your heavenly father who loves both the saints and the sinners alikewhich obviously require that you need some material possessions with you.
The Jesus of the Gospels had a habit of being blunt, in your face and downright offensive. That's why I believe the reverse. His blunt statement was probably the original one. His other more majestic statement may or may not be an interpolation. He could have been both blunt and non-blunt at different times depending on the moment.
His statement to turn the other cheek doesn't necessarily mean that one should remain quiet while being interrogated.
this is from a blog, "news from me" that i read fairly regularly.
mark evanier is, among other things, a comic book writer (co-writer for "groo-the wanderer), a television writer, a great raconteur, and was a close person friend of jack kirby, one of the world's greatest comic book artists.he got an email from a jw trying to explain why they come to his door.evanier's answer is well thought out, and should explain to even the densest j-dub why people really don't like being bothered.
maybe his correspondent will take it to heart, but probably not.
I think we should all try posting a short sign at our doors saying "Jehovah's Witnesses, this is an apostate household."
some jw's at my daughters door saturday morning.
they said nothing, nada, zip, zero, and just passed the mags to her and left.
is there no interaction any more?
to start off with let me clarify that by asshole atheism i am not referring to strong atheism or any other type of upfront atheism.
what i am referring to is the belligerent, hateful atheism that smacks of trolls and other types who want to derail conversation or comments at any cost..
i enjoy hearing comments from both sides of the subjects of theism, nationalism or politics, especially from those who have intense opinions.
"Judging from friends and family, people who claim to have interest in Science , never really seem to have much of an interest in science outside of finding reasons to argue with religious people. It seems to more of a liberal arts thing, disguising itself in the guise of higher learning."
You're a poor judge of character as far as posters here are concerned. l have had an interest in science since before I became a Witness at age 14. As cofty said "Reality is awesome".